What You Must Know In Order To Succeed In Your Network Marketing Business
There are many reasons why people fail in network marketing.
However, instead of looking into each of these causes, the purpose of this article is to explain what people MUST know when they start their network marketing business so that they will have a better chance to succeed.
This is what you must know in order to succeed in your network marketing business:
- What is your "job" scope?
- What is expected of you in your "job"?
- What you should expect in your "job"?
- Just Obey Boss (Work on a job and take orders from the boss.)
- Just Over Broke (Work on a job, get paid, and after you pay all your bills, you'll be just over broke.)
- Journey Of the Broke (Work on a job and you'll likely end up broke after working your whole life!)
- Jump Out of Bed (Hit the alarm clock and jump out of bed each morning to get yourself ready for another day's work.)
Say, you check out a job in a classified ad. You'll be looking at the job title and then the job description. Some ads are so small that you really wonder what's involved. So, you write that perfect job application letter, update your resume and secure your interview. And besides the salary that you'd be most interested in, you'd be finding out the duties and responsibilities of the job.
Bottom line: You know the scope of your job when you get one.
- Understand your product and offerings
- Understand the company, its mission, and its vision
- Understand the network marketing industry
- Build your network through duplication
- To get into a "business" mindset
- To practice the "success" mindset
- To have the right attitudes
> In network marketing, you can only succeed if you help others succeed
> Use less of "I, me, myself" and think about how you can add value to your prospects and partners
> Be prepared to walk the extra mile and get busy once your network starts to grow
> How fast your network grows depends on you as you are the leader of your own network
> Whatever you DO, not whatever you say, is duplicated by your network
- To learn the "business" skills
> It's not money that makes you rich, it's business skills
> Learn the basic business skills that you need to make this business work
> These are essentially interpersonal and communication skills encompassing prospecting, inviting, presenting, closing, following up, training, and support
- To share the business with others
> If you had started a traditional business with $100,000, would you open your door to do business every day? Yes, of course.
> Network marketing is a word-of-mouth business. Thus, to do business means you simply tell others about your products or services.
> When you share your business every day, you are in fact opening your door to do business every day.
> Sharing your business is just making a referral. Do not confuse it with selling. A good example is to refer a friend to a restaurant because you thought the food was great. However, you most likely won't know how they cook or what ingredients the chefs use. You just loved the taste of the food or perhaps the service there.
Set Your Marketing Goals In 10 Simple Steps
Once you got that job and started working, you are expected to learn and pick up your skills as soon as possible but not instantly. (Unless of course you already have relevant experience in a previous similar job.) So, you actually go through a probation period of 3, 6, 12, or even 24 months. And then, initially, there's so much to learn and so exciting. However, this wears out as time goes by...
It is in fact not much different in network marketing. And these are the things that you should expect:
- There is a learning curve
- Replenishment is necessary
> People come and people will go whether in jobs or in network marketing
> As this is inevitable, you need to constantly replenish your network by sponsoring new people till you reach a critical mass whereby the growth in your network exceeds the attrition rate. I have read an article, “How To Create A Surefire Stream Of Prospects For Your Network Marketing Business” which you can found it here
- There will always be a rejection
- What is your "job" scope?
- What is expected of you in your "job"?
- What you should expect in your "job"?
In summary, your job is to share your business through word of mouth with your family and friends. So, learn to share as much as you can and you will get better each time.
However, the decision to join you or not lies with them, not you :-)