Part:4 OnPage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - mixinfo

Part:4 OnPage Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

OnPage SEO

 Now, you should have a blog full of content you have passionately written. It should be a very interesting grapevine for the community of your chosen niche, as opposed to a lifeless factsheet. 

OnPage_Search_Engine_Optimization (SEO)

However, no matter how delicious your content is, if there is nobody to read it you can’t generate profit from it. Traffic is the lifeblood of your blog. In order to attract people, you must offer attractive information. Simple enough. 

related: Part 3Brainstorming blog content

how to get traffic onto your site

However, to get traffic onto your site, you have to think backward. Where do people look when they need information? Yes, they search using search engines like,, and, to name a few more popular ones. So, to get these people on your blog, your blog needs to rank high on the search result pages of these search engines. When these people search for information through the search engines and see your site among the top results, they will naturally click through to your blog!

The art of getting your blog or website onto high rankings on search result pages is called search engine optimization (seo). It is a very complex and hard subject to master, but that doesn’t stop us from learning simple yet effective techniques to conquer the search results for certain keywords. The more complex techniques are usually needed to fight for very competitive and general keywords such as “fat loss”, but I’ll teach you how to overcome that later. 

related: Importance of search Engines: How Search Engines Work - Web Crawlers

For now, let’s determine the keywords that you want to optimize your site for. For example, your blog talks about tech gadgets. Now, you’d want to check in Google whether it is a very competitive keyword. At this time of writing, there are 29, 000,000 search results. Think you can beat 29, 000, 000 sites on your first attempt? I don’t think so. 

However, let’s optimize your blog

Now, let’s try to narrow down our scope in search engine optimization. Let’s look for “technological gadgets” instead. At this time of writing, Google lists 792, 000 results. That’s more manageable, but you’d like to search for more focused keywords. However, let’s optimize your blog for “technological gadgets” just for the sake of learning. 

First, you have to pay attention to the title of your blog. 

Since you’re optimizing for technological gadgets, you need to have that exact phrase in your blog title. For example, a line like “Your Best Technological Gadget Blog!” would work great. You can change the title of your blog in the Blogger control panel or the WordPress blog when you’re creating it. If you’re proficient with HTML, you can even do that on other blog engines like Moveable Type. Bottom line? Learn a little HTML!

Other than that, your page heading should also contain the term you’re optimizing for. The page heading is the bit of text in your code that is enclosed within the <h1> and </h1> tags. This is important as it tells the search engines what your page is about (in this case, “technological gadgets”). Since we’re posting a blog, the <h1> </h1> tags are usually the post titles, so remember to include the term there whenever relevant. 

One last biin search engine optimization, you should also sprinkle the words “technological gadgets” in your posts whenever possible. The frequent occurrence of that phrase in your blog will hint to the search engines that your blog is really relevant to that topic. 

However, this is the most important bit of all. Always keep in mind that you’re writing for real-life people who read your blog to obtain information, so it is very stupid to spam your blog with keywords! In fact, if you do that, the search engines will end up thinking you’re spamming and drop your ranking further down into oblivion… So keep this in mind! Write for humans, not search engines!

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