Part 5 – Offpage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - mixinfo

Part 5 – Offpage Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

 Off-page SEO

We are already optimizing our blog to rank higher in search results for the specific keywords we target, but we have bad news for you. It has little impact on rankings. But don't skip this step. Every little bit helps when competing for search engine rankings.

Then move on to off-page search engine optimization. In other words, it's a factor that isn't posted on your blog but has a big impact on your search engine rankings.

 There are many off-page factors, but we will examine them one by one.

 The first and most obvious factor is the number of links to your blog. As a general rule of thumb, the more links you have to your blog, the higher search engines will see you as an authority in that particular niche and rank higher. But be careful with the quality of your links. For example, your blog is about technology products, so having 1,000 links from completely unrelated sites, such as online dating sites, is completely useless. In contrast, his one link from a reputable website about tech gadgets makes search engines crawl your blog like the federal government raids crack nests.

Anyway, the cheapest way to get quality links from reputable sites is to ask for them. If your blog has original, quality content and provides valuable information to site readers, webmasters may link to your blog or write about you.

Let's talk about how to ask these reputable webmasters to link to your blog. We are arguing this on the premise that your blog is really content-rich and provides quality information for everyone who belongs to your area of ​​expertise and topic of discussion. The best way is to email the webmaster directly.

find the best websites in your area of ​​expertise

First, find the best websites in your area of ​​expertise. Simply search for your term in any major search engine. Let's look for "technology gadgets" this time. The first few results,, and are commercial sites, so please don't ask. We are looking for community-based websites and other blogs that are accessible to absolute beginners like you. seems like a good option.

So write an email to his webmaster (email address is listed on the website) at AIM contacts are also there, so it's also a good choice if you use AOL Instant Messenger. First, how did you come across the site (i.e., "I was looking for gadget information" rather than "Link looking for his partner!"), and how the site provided valuable information. Please state what you think you are doing. Basically, try to honestly say something really good about the site.

Then, suggest that specific content on your blog complements that website's content well, and vice versa. Include a link to their website on your blog and casually ask if you can do the same to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the website and your blog.

Along the way, you may run into people who don't even reply to your emails, but forget about them and move on. If you do not receive a response to our email within 2 weeks, please remove the link to our website from your blog. This is a very long wait. If you persevere through the first 30 search results that appear, you should soon see some good websites. I will go into more detail in the next article 

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